Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mastering Food Cravings To Avoid Clinical Depression

Although you are subject to intense food cravings, you must understand that you can make food choices that will significantly reduce or eliminate these cravings before they strike. You must also understand that when you crave a food, you may really be craving certain brain/body chemicals. In other words, your brain-body is so finely tuned that when it needs dopamine, endorphins, glucose, salt, or serotonin, it will guide you to those foods, chemicals, or situations that will provide a boost in those chemicals-even if those foods, chemicals, or situations have long-term negative effects. Your brain sends out a craving signal that it wants you to eat a particular food, and it wants you to eat it now!

To summarize, indulging in long-term food cravings is a method of slow suicide. It is easier to sink into further depression when the there are several chemical imbalances within our brains.

You can prevent these cravings by keeping your brain-body chemicals in check. I want to emphasize, however, that I'm not putting you on a weight-loss diet. This program is a healthy foods diet. When used in conjunction with the other factors in your life, it is possible to help you lose the fat (and pounds) you've gained as a result of your depression or of taking antidepressants. It will help you achieve and maintain the weight and body proportions that keep your body healthy.

You don't have to limit your portion sizes. You don't have to count calories or fat grams. You won't weigh yourself every week. (In fact, I don't even want you to use a scale.) You won't walk away from a meal feeling hungry or deprived. Your body will begin to crave a nutritious, well-balanced diet instead of cookies and crackers.

By Jerry Herman Jansen

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